photo of finding domain names on paper

The other day I searched on Google to find out if there was such thing a Stock Exchange for Domain Names. My search brought up a website, known as: It seemed, however, during my account registration process that this is not an active website. 

This made me wonder: Why is there not a Domain Name Stock Exchange where shares could be sold in Domain Names and Websites on a common market? Also, real time valuations of domain names could be posted on a ticker tape across the screen or be retrieved through search. Links to various WhoIs? databases that list who owns domain names and the registrar’s where they are housed could be posted on the main page of the portal. 

As well, a directory listing of Domain Name Brokers could be contained on a set page of the website. Marketer’s of Domains, Web Designers and Graphic Designers could advertise their services on the website and / or also be included on a directory page. The Domain Name Exchange would, in essence, be a virtual stock exchange and warehouse of domain name, as well website services.

Domain names are a form of virtual property that exist digitally, but are still and address for businesses to market their products and services to potential and regular customers. As such a medium of business communication, domain names require brokers and agents to be sold and / or leased. It amazes me that there is, not as yet, a portal such as Domain Exchange or platform where Agents and Brokers can list and promote domain name and website properties to the public.

Domain names are big business. Some domain names have sold for many millions of dollars, while other domains sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars, almost on a daily basis. While there are high prices for exclusive domain names, high commission rates can be earned by broker and sales agents who would manage the sales transactions for these items. Traders who would buy and sell domain names on behalf of clients to amass and liquidate portfolios could also earn substantial commissions on trades.

There needs to be a Domain Exchange, similar to a stock exchange where domain names could be sold in real time. Pre-registration and priority pre-registration of generic Top-Level Domains is a similar process to futures trading for commodities. Who will develop the Domain Exchange? Perhaps you will be the next internet innovator.


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