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Five Reasons For a Financial Advisor


  1. You need the expertise of a Financial Advisor to evaluate your financial situation. Knowing how much money you have for spending and for saving is crucial. Some of your money may already be allocated; but it can be converted into cash. While other investments could be invested for a set term. You could have a savings account that is not offering a competitive rate of interest. A Financial Advisor can help you to realize better options for investing your money; with a bank or other financial institution.
  2. Perhaps you could earn more interest on your money by investing it in mutual funds. Mutual funds provide the opportunity, to have your money professionally invested in a group of stocks; as part of an organized portfolio. Your money will be managed – by a licensed and fully trained – fund manager, who has accredited designations, from the Canadian Securities Institute. A Financial Advisor can guarantee that your money is assigned to a reputable Fund Manager. A Financial Advisor has been properly trained and received relevant certifications. A Financial Advisor has a wealth of experience and can maximize the potential of your portfolio.
  3. You need the expertise of a Financial Advisor, to determine if you have adequate insurance. Perhaps you have many insurance policies and are uncertain as to the full benefits of coverage. You may be paying too much money for the coverage provided. A Financial Advisor can review your policies, to ensure that you have relevant insurance coverage. Your insurance products should be tailored to your lifestyle and long term goals. Some policies can be redeemed for their full value if not used. A Financial Advisor can review your policies with you, to make sure that you will be able to receive the maximum benefits.
  1. A Financial Advisor can evaluate your mortgage insurance policy. You will need sufficient coverage to protect the balance of your mortgage. Do you know if your current coverage is sufficient? Do you know the benefits of having privately held insurance, to cover a mortgage balance? A Financial Advisor can provide you with options for mortgage insurance, which can cover you, regardless of your age, which may not be the situation with your current lender.
  1. Retirement planning is another arena where a Financial Advisor can provide reliable guidance. Will you have enough money to retire? Will you have to pay penalties or fees when you cash-out your Registered Retirement Savings Plan or Registered Retirement Income Fund? Do you know all of the details, on the benefits of government retirement benefits? Are you aware of the available options, such as; Canada Pension Plan, Canada Pension Plan Post-Retirement Benefit, Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Low Income Allowance, and International Benefits, if you worked in or lived in another country? A Financial Advisor can provide specialized advice. A Financial Advisor will make sure you are aware of various strategies for ensuring a stable retirement; as well as many other possibilities.




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