man talking with coworkers in business environment

The Meeting Scam

Do you attend meetings that have an unclear purpose, or which fail to display any structured process? Conversely, these meetings may seem to possess a structure that is focused, but the process is not easily understood by the attendees. A bizarre and convoluted process is intended to confuse and bewilder those in attendance; since the expectation is that the attendees will not show up for future meetings. If attendees do attend future meetings, it is likely, based on past experiences that they will not stay long enough to be permitted to ask any questions. The seeming farce – of a so-called meeting – is more about grandstanding and for self-glorification by presenters, than it is an opportunity for dialogue between those in attendance.

Many board or committee meetings will have a fixed arrangement, which may possibly be based on Roberts Rules of Order ( Other options include a conceived process for meetings that has been created by the board or committee. Rarely will members, residents or visitors to the meeting actually understand the process that the meeting will follow.

If you live in a condominium and are having issues in communication, with your board or management office, then you can obtain assistance from the Condominium Dispute Resolution Centre ( Oftentimes a board meeting, at a condominium building, will follow a process whereby the current board members are introduced; along with a short summary of their CV’s, accompanied by a brief introduction by each member. The Building Manager and their assistant will likely also be in attendance; as well as a representative from the management corporation that oversees the building, on behalf of the board. This dignitary will either be a Vice-President or other top level executive, from the management company.

After the so-called opening address, the Auditor’s Report will follow. Then the President of the board will give over a speech, which praises the great work of the management team, including the excellent services of the cleaning staff. A review of expenditures, along with the current amounts in the main and reserve fund(s) will be discussed. Questions will be ignored or referred to be asked only at the conclusion of the meeting. Elections for positions on the board will be held, after a short summary of the qualifications of each contender. Finally, for those in attendance – who could tolerate the boredom of the dulling procedural madness – arises the opportunity for an open discussion and question and answer period.

If you are displeased with the rigmarole regularly experienced during patterned meetings, then you can choose to not attend them, or you can be prepared for the meeting, by bringing along a book to read. This way you can be productive, during the diatribe, while you are present in the room or you can lose yourself in a good story.

n the room or you can lose yourself in a good story. 



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