Finding You
Can you remember the last time you knew who you were or were presently aware of who you are? Is there are way to get back to the mindset of who you were before? Is it possible for you to begin finding you?
Recently I began reviewing and retyping my essay from University. It has been an amazing experience. I have been able to get into the headspace of my former self and it has been especially enlightening to discover my prior thoughts and thoughts processes. I have been able to discover my mind and really think like I had never thought before.
Reviewing one’s former essays and reports can help one to do more than just get in touch with oneself metaphysically. Rather one can be proud of one’s surprising growth in the development of language and the application of grammatical rules in one’s writing.
To realize where one was in terms of thought process and writing abilities and be immediately aware of one’s current capabilities and mindset is wonderfully creative process. At each stage of one’s writing career, paid or through educational requirement in school, one does progress to a noticeable degree of personal and intellectual development.
I am not sure how many people read their own essays, even once they have composed them, prior to submitting them to their professors for course work. But I would venture to assume that there are perhaps only a small percentage of people who actually review their writing before handing it in for consideration and grading. Very few people would likely then also hold onto their essays and review them many years later.
To realize who one is now, it is essential that one know who they were at a former time in one’s life and to be able to realize all intermediate stages of progression and intellectual advancement. One’s mind is shaped and one’s brain certainly grows and ‘reshapes’ throughout one’s life.
Being aware of one’s growth process is certainly important and worth reviewing. Every person has a unique writing style that can be easily noticed upon a glance at one’s own compositions. One needs to know what makes one’s writing unique and to know the specialized style of one’s scriptural output. This will help one to further enrich one’s literary capabilities and to work on the tools of writing, such as context, grammar, punctuation, syntax and stylistics. Even if one if not planning on becoming a professional Writer one should know how to write well to be sure that one can think great thoughts.