I saw on television that this iconic show will soon be gone. Gone Mad Men. Gone Mad Men. This maddening show about marketing exploits is off the airwaves of television. But the message of projecting a markedly stark attitude is clear.
There will be some reruns of course. But no new shows. What this means is no more opportunities to anticipate quirky tag lines and to be captivated by swanky seventies fashions.
On one episode, of Mad Men, Don Draper, played by John Daniel Hamm once coined the phrase “If you don’t like what is being said then change the conversation.” These are words to live by! If you are having a discussion with someone and they are annoying or if they are saying things are offensive, then rather than becoming upset at what is being said, you can simply change the conversation.
Attitude is everything, some people think that it is really the only thing that matters. This show boasted of sassy and seemingly spontaneous statements by various casts members, whenever they were being belittled or under-appreciate for their work. Even the clothes and the way they were worn demonstrated a statement about the personality of each star. Day to day, depending on the marketing pitch to be presented there seemed to be a collaborative effort for the stars / copywriters and marketers to project a certain style, which was uniformly displayed.
Uniformity is strength. Just observe any dance collaboration. It is not so much the cool or seemingly systematic flow of the routine, but rather how all of the members of the dance troupe move in unison; as one unit. Being a unit may seem to come at the cost of individuality. Yet sometimes for a group effort to shine with strength one needs to lose oneself for the so-called ‘greater good.’ Let us take mathematics as a example of uniformity: “Given a set of measurements, are they considered equally uniform if they’re randomly dispersed over the surface versus increasing in value as you go from one side of the surface to the other? Just something to think about.”1
This point seems to sum up, so to speak, the reality of human interaction. Uniformity is really determined by a streamlined approach, versus a scattered system. When communicating with someone, whether it is with words or movements, such as dance or miming or via some art display, one needs to convey a focused message. One idea at time, is really all that can be communicated, in whatever form it may manifest.
Be sure to give a clear definition to your words and overall idea(s). In mathematics even the unknown variables are always presupposed to have a a set value, whereby the actual value is eventually determined when the equation is solved. Having defined terms and clear presuppositions in your speech and other communicative modes ensures that your audience will be able to resolve your message clearly.
1 Retrieved on February 9, 2015 from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7844804/how-is-uniformity-expressed