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What is this phenomenon known as Crowd Funding? One might mistakenly believe it means that one can fund a crowd. It is actually the reverse option. You can get a crowd to fund you.

How does Crowd Funding work and who will give you money? What do these people want or expect from you?

Crowd Funding was initialized into society as a result of the global community mindset that has become commonly shared by Internet users locally and internationally. This option for fundraising is available for individuals, businesses and would-be start up companies, among other entities.

You tell your story by way of a profile and provide a short personal or professional video that explains your reason for wanting so-called community assistance to help you advance in your life situation. Then various people who peruse these websites, at their leisure can choose to contribute money to your campaign. When you reach your funding goal you get paid by the Crowd Funding hosting website, less their commission for permitting your campaign on their platform.

There are popular Crowd Funding websites for individuals such as or Options for Crowd Funding include, but are not limited to:,, If you need assistance to design and manage your Crowd Funding campaign then there is professional management and representation available from: There is a even a membership association known as the National Crowd Funding Association of Canada that  host events and offers useful resources to be successful in Crowd Funding (

Speaking of events, is anyone getting married soon? Want your gifts to be in the form of cash rather than items that you will never use? If so, then you should register with today. Let your invitees / guests know that you have register and advise them that they are encouraged to donate generously to your wedding fund. Certainly you will use the money raised for something relevant to your new start in life with your spouse, such as a house.

This website lists the seemingly top ten Crowd Funding websites on the World Wide Web: If you are a Crowd Funding website that may need help in dispensing money from raised from Crowd Funding campaigns then there is help from this website:, which offers payment options, such as pre-paid debit cards, e-cheques and much more.

Why wait? Set your goal, get funded and spend the money to make your dream a reality!


photo of finding domain names on paper

Where is your domain? Just like a person has a home, whether it is a house or a condominium or some other type of residence, similarly a person can have an online address / presence in the way of a domain name and website. A  online domain is where you reside on the Internet.

Your domain name needs to be in a top spot online in order to have regular visitors. This will require a lot of maintenance. Just like you need to maintain a house, internally and externally – you will need to ensure that the website is properly outfitted and furnished on the backend. Having a strategic search engine optimization and social media campaign is just as valuable as having the right design of your house inside and out.

When visitors come to your home you want them to feel comfortable and most importantly to feel welcome. The same is true for your website. Visitors should feel at home when they first come to your main page. Not having too many pictures or too much content is a great idea. There should be some content obviously. Whatever is written there should be upbeat, using short sentences. Images that highlight your company’s purpose, products or services can be used, but sparingly.

You want to know where your visitors are finding you, in terms of country and which search engine they used to find you. This is similar to a guest in your home. You will want to know something about them. A real live guest offers the opportunity for questions. You may inquire about: where they are from, what is their profession and what they know about you are some questions that may arise during a first meeting.

On your website you will immediately want to answer any potential queries a prospective client / customer could have about your business. You will definitely want to have a clearly written and detailed About Us page. On this page you will likely want to avoid having images, since they could detract from the written content. Text throughout the website should not be repetitive, even though you may need to use some buzz words often as part of SEO strategy. If you do need to reuse the same word on a page or on the website, then be sure that the words are being used in a relevant context.

Consider visitors to your website like visitors to your home. You want to imagine that you are having a conversation with them, albeit it may seem one-sided. To ensure your online visitors are at home on your website you want to put yourself in their headspace or mind’s eye, so to speak. Think of questions you might ask upon coming upon your website from a visitor’s perspective. How would you answer these questions? Compose your content as though you are replying to questions and comments about your business. Well written text will encourage repeat visitors and limit irrelevant comments.





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