
men discussing options and business numbers

The Deal Breaker

It may seem as though you have a done deal that is sure to be completed. Even when it may seem as though all documents are ready to be signed there is no real deal, until the contract is signed, sealed and delivered. You may have had a promising conversation with a capable business prospect, but can you be certain that all of the items of consideration were equally understood? During a high-spirited discussion both parties may state many seemingly relevant details as possible to get their point across. While making the big sales pitch one may not hear the reply or rebuttal, or the sale presentation simultaneously being promoted by the other party.

After some perceived understanding of the potential to partner, it is jointly decided that a meeting should be arranged. Both attendees have their fixed perspective on how the meeting should unfold. During the meeting, however, different ideas seem to surface, other than those thought to have been originally presented during the telephone communication. It could be the wrong person shows up for the meeting; not being the initial party with whom one spoke or an expected party is conveniently available to attend.

Whatever you decide, be sure that you are professional in your demeanour and cordial by way of reply. If you decide to conduct / participate in the conference you should be sure to have a pen, a notebook and business cares, and above all else – dress to impress. Your image should always demonstrate that you are deserving of respect, irrelevant of what the other party may decide for the deal.

During the meeting be sure to focus the discussion to resemble, however, modestly, the initial telephone conversation, which preceded it. If you are concerned that an expected party is not in attendance, express your dismay immediately, at the onset of the conference. Request, if possible and practicable that this so called promised participant be summoned to appear.

Be sure your ideas are considered and fully listened to by the parties in attendance. Also be sure you listen intently to the ideas presented by the other party. If not offered, politely request a business card from the other people at the meeting or ask them to e-mail you their Vcard.

If during the conversation topics are discussed that do not parallel the original phone conversation, then you should ask for clarification about the actual real intention for the meeting. Is there a hidden agenda? Will there be an unexpected sales pitch or some attempt to run a deceptive scam. While you may feel slighted if the meeting doe not turn out as initially planned, nevertheless you need to continue to seem professional throughout the consultation. If you don’t want to appear as being impolite during the meeting you can later send a follow-up e-mail to request clarification on the next step and as way of summarizing the specific goals of the conference. You can state you believe to be the next step in the process towards the growth of the business relationship, based on details of the meeting.

If the other party has different or varied goals, than those that you had relied upon to agree to attend the meeting, then he / she will clearly state the same in his / her reply to your correspondence. If it is not obvious that there is not a ‘meeting of the minds’, then you can just chalk this experience up to a lesson learnt. Perhaps this knowledge will help you realize that you should be more thorough during your preliminary discussions.

man standing on manhole deciding what to do

Finding You

Can you remember the last time you knew who you were or were presently aware of who you are? Is there are way to get back to the mindset of who you were before? Is it possible for you to begin finding you?

Recently I began reviewing and retyping my essay from University. It has been an amazing experience. I have been able to get into the headspace of my former self and it has been especially enlightening to discover my prior thoughts and thoughts processes. I have been able to discover my mind and really think like I had never thought before.

Reviewing one’s former essays and reports can help one to do more than just get in touch with oneself metaphysically. Rather one can be proud of one’s surprising growth in the development of language and the application of grammatical rules in one’s writing.

To realize where one was in terms of thought process and writing abilities and be immediately aware of one’s current capabilities and mindset is wonderfully creative process. At each stage of one’s writing career, paid or through educational requirement in school, one does progress to a noticeable degree of personal and intellectual development.

I am not sure how many people read their own essays, even once they have composed them, prior to submitting them to their professors for course work. But I would venture to assume that there are perhaps only a small percentage of people who actually review their writing before handing it in for consideration and grading. Very few people would likely then also hold onto their essays and review them many years later.

To realize who one is now, it is essential that one know who they were at a former time in one’s life and to be able to realize all intermediate stages of progression and intellectual advancement. One’s mind is shaped and one’s brain certainly grows and ‘reshapes’ throughout one’s life.

Being aware of one’s growth process is certainly important and worth reviewing. Every person has a unique writing style that can be easily noticed upon a glance at one’s own compositions. One needs to know what makes one’s writing unique and to know the specialized style of one’s scriptural output. This will help one to further enrich one’s literary capabilities and to work on the tools of writing, such as context, grammar, punctuation, syntax and stylistics. Even if one if not planning on becoming a professional Writer one should know how to write well to be sure that one can think great thoughts.




person paying for goods or services with card

How exactly does the transactional process occur? Let’s say you are a small business owner and you want to sell your products / services? You have many inquiries from prospective clients / customers. How should you reply to all of them? Should you actually consider each one to be serious candidate for a business relationship?

Some people just like to talk business without doing any business. As a business owner you need to be cautious and set up protective guards. First you need to require prospective clients / customers to pay a consultation fee. You should create a standard reply e-mail wherein you specify your most prominent accomplishments and sell skills in the way of marketing pitch. You can also create an intake form that requests specific details about the company / person who has inquired about your services and tailor it to find out what the company / person expects or requires from you.

If a potential client / customer does not want to pay your initial fee and / or complete an intake form, then it is also likely that this same person will not pay your any money once you actually do work for them or provide them with product for sale.

A little bit of time during initial screening can save much valuable time later on. Do not waste time doing work for free. Instead take time to qualify leads and to determine which potential client will really becoming a paying one.


people working on advising reports

Five Reasons For a Financial Advisor


  1. You need the expertise of a Financial Advisor to evaluate your financial situation. Knowing how much money you have for spending and for saving is crucial. Some of your money may already be allocated; but it can be converted into cash. While other investments could be invested for a set term. You could have a savings account that is not offering a competitive rate of interest. A Financial Advisor can help you to realize better options for investing your money; with a bank or other financial institution.
  2. Perhaps you could earn more interest on your money by investing it in mutual funds. Mutual funds provide the opportunity, to have your money professionally invested in a group of stocks; as part of an organized portfolio. Your money will be managed – by a licensed and fully trained – fund manager, who has accredited designations, from the Canadian Securities Institute. A Financial Advisor can guarantee that your money is assigned to a reputable Fund Manager. A Financial Advisor has been properly trained and received relevant certifications. A Financial Advisor has a wealth of experience and can maximize the potential of your portfolio.
  3. You need the expertise of a Financial Advisor, to determine if you have adequate insurance. Perhaps you have many insurance policies and are uncertain as to the full benefits of coverage. You may be paying too much money for the coverage provided. A Financial Advisor can review your policies, to ensure that you have relevant insurance coverage. Your insurance products should be tailored to your lifestyle and long term goals. Some policies can be redeemed for their full value if not used. A Financial Advisor can review your policies with you, to make sure that you will be able to receive the maximum benefits.
  1. A Financial Advisor can evaluate your mortgage insurance policy. You will need sufficient coverage to protect the balance of your mortgage. Do you know if your current coverage is sufficient? Do you know the benefits of having privately held insurance, to cover a mortgage balance? A Financial Advisor can provide you with options for mortgage insurance, which can cover you, regardless of your age, which may not be the situation with your current lender.
  1. Retirement planning is another arena where a Financial Advisor can provide reliable guidance. Will you have enough money to retire? Will you have to pay penalties or fees when you cash-out your Registered Retirement Savings Plan or Registered Retirement Income Fund? Do you know all of the details, on the benefits of government retirement benefits? Are you aware of the available options, such as; Canada Pension Plan, Canada Pension Plan Post-Retirement Benefit, Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Low Income Allowance, and International Benefits, if you worked in or lived in another country? A Financial Advisor can provide specialized advice. A Financial Advisor will make sure you are aware of various strategies for ensuring a stable retirement; as well as many other possibilities.



Return form for income tax

Rate of Return on Investment 

What is your return on your real property investment? You need to evaluate in more than plain dollars and cents. It is not only what you scoop in terms of profit in a real estate transaction in relation to your initial investment. Rather your calculation should encompass all relevant components of the deal.

Perhaps you spend time and effort to find and secure the right agent to list your home. The amount of time you allocated to negotiating your sale price and the agents’ commission is an investment of your time and energy, which you may not be able to reclaim in terms of actual money. Also, you may have needed to hire trades people to renovate and improve your property to bring it up to a saleable state. These monies also count as part of your financial commitment to your estate.

What about time and expertise you may have devoted to consultations with the person responsible for staging your home? Surely any fixtures you needed to buy to set the right stage for your home, as well as any decor upgrades have a quantifiable value that you should strive to recoup. Not to mention the time and effort you allocated to finding the right real property Lawyer, or for securing of the right title insurance.

There are many Lawyers who work in real property transactions, but not all of them are specialists who carry specialized title insurance. Some title insurance companies such as Title Plus may offer protection for unpaid utility bills, owing maintenance fees and debts related to partially purchased appliances. Some policies with some title insurance companies could offer insurance for a set time after move into a Resale Condo for originally purchased appliances. Other policies may offer coverage for repairs that need to continued or completed to due to irregularities in building permits.

Could you imagine buying a property that is on a road that to which you, as the new owner, do not have legitimate access. Or your may have bought a property that has a right of way that permits a neighboring property owner to drive across / through your driveway to access their home. Having a qualified Lawyer who specializes not only in real property deals, but also who is an expert in irregular land deals is a plus, when buying a home. Moreover, a unique or all encompassing title insurance policy is worth much more than what you may pay for coverage.


man walking with business bag

Regardless of whatever business you are in you need to have a strategy for success. The first call or initial consultation, with a client, sets the stage for every other future communication, since it is the first impression and these count a hundredfold.

You want to dazzle your potential client with your knowledge of your industry and paint a mental image in your potential client’s mind that portrays you as an expert in your field. But offering too much information can be counterproductive.

Instead you want to present your abilities in a good light. Keep the conversation short and to the point. Ask for a retainer or a consultation fee before the end of the telephone call. Yes, be bold be proud and make sure that your effectively communicate that your expertise has a value.

If you demonstrate your worth through seeming to be a professional in your industry during the initial consultation, then this image will remain in the mind of your client for the duration of your working relationship.

Be clear on your capabilities. Be confident in your skills. Be sure of your ability to deliver superior results. Set a timeline for completion that will certainly meet or exceed.

people having a conversation about housing

Is there a rhythm to conversations? Is there a pattern to the dialogue of a discussion? Does the tone of speech and inflection affect the way message is delivered to the recipient?

Perhaps there is a rhythm of sales as well. The sound of confident sales person speaking, using relevant industry jargon and expressing one’s voice with enthusiasm is of great comfort to a prospective purchaser. In a way, a relationship is being built through a sales call.

A potential customer will be more likely to complete a purchase, if the sales person has good manners and cheerful countenance. The ability to make small talk and to speak in terms that are relevant to the prospective customer’s interests will prove valuable in securing a sale. Every salesman has a set process for his sales pitch and every transaction has momentum of combined perspectives.

It is important that the sales pitch be concise yet informative. The sales person should speak in an upbeat manner and definitely be smiling. Even if the consumer cannot see through the phone; a smiling representative will project a joyful presence, which gets transmitted through vibrations through the line. Sitting up straight, maintaining good posture and taking notes on the customers comments are useful strategies for ensuring high sales levels.

There is a rhythm to a sale. Like any interaction, both parties should find the discussion interesting and informative, but not boring. A concerted effort must be made by the negotiator or sales agent for each party to the transaction to ensure that the sales process is concise and focused on the deal. There must be no room for personal matters or opinions on any matter not related to the deal at hand to surface. Otherwise the sale could easily be lost and not recoverable.

People are by nature interested having conversations about whatever is on their mind at the time. A sales meeting or purchase process is not the correct venue for personal discussions or for the airing of opinions or views on global matters or personal issues.

Therefore, a star sales representative should keep sentences short and to the point and maintain a constant rhythm to their pattern of speech. The sales professional will redirect any discussion that is off the point of the deal and refocus attention on what is most important. This will ensure a lower call to sale ratio, with more leads maximized to the fullest potential.


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