Entries by Zack Steel

Finding You

Finding You Can you remember the last time you knew who you were or were presently aware of who you are? Is there are way to get back to the […]

Think It – Do It Now!

Are you ready to enter into a new mind-space or state of mind? Here comes the phenomenology you have been eagerly anticipating. The question was posed and rightly put in […]

Conditions of Life

Preface for the Conditions of Life In the following essay there are three issues for the conditions of life that will be discussed. One of these issues is capital punishment, […]

One Thought

To Think More Than One Thought At A Time Is it possible for mind to process more than one thought at any one instant? Can you do it? Can you […]

Where You Are

Where Are You? Do you ever ask yourself where you are? Probably not. Where are you? It is a strange pondering process. Where one is, however, is likely a very […]


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